UI/UX Case Study: Cinema Ticket Booking Apps (Cinetix)

Monica Dessy Amanda
3 min readFeb 27, 2021



A common problem when going to the cinema is people hate being stuck in a long queue to buy tickets. Not only waiting too long, turns out seats already full and can’t find another schedule. This problem has been solved since the online ticket booking application existed. But the new problem persists, like the apps not user-friendly, too complicated process and flow just for booking ticket. Or the UI design confuses the user and not giving the best experience.


So I did my research on multiple cinema ticket booking apps, like CGV, TIX.id, and Cinema XXI. I look for reviews in the App Store to see the problem that users got, and the problem is:

  1. Users have difficulty finding specific movies or cinemas.
  2. The app didn’t show the user which cinema is closest to the user’s location.
  3. Users are confused when choosing a seat when booking.


  1. Add search bar or filter option for finding/sorting movie or cinema.
  2. Add text that will inform distance from user’s location to cinema locations.
  3. Make the arrangement of seats the same as those in the cinema.


Result for problem 1.
Result for problem 2.
Result for problem 3.

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User interface design cinetix apps.
User interface design cinetix apps.



What did I learn?

Since this is my first time create a UI/UX case study, there’s a lot that I learn. I feel confused about the stages I have gone through. And I’m not doing enough research so I don’t really understand the user’s perspective. I should be focused on user experiences too and not only focused on user interface because both have important roles.

What are the next steps?

Do more research especially from the user, maybe do an interview or survey with more respondents, make a user persona, understand user goals and pain points. Then pay more attention to the UI/UX design thinking process and methods, and follow it step-by-step for more effective and efficient work.

Thank you for reading my article, I hope this article is useful for those who read it. Find me on Dribbble and Instagram to see my other project.

